Isfahan office address: Isfahan - Imam Khomeini Street - Basij Street

Isfahan office address: Isfahan - Imam Khomeini Street - Basij Street

Personnel Classification by Field of Study


Nasir Omran Arya Company, considering the breadth of its activities, requires a wide range of specialists with various educational backgrounds. To successfully execute construction and industrial projects, the company has brought together a combination of engineers, technicians, and experts with diverse specializations

Personnel Classification by Degree


Classification of personnel based on educational degrees means categorizing the employees of an organization according to their obtained educational qualifications. This classification is used for various reasons, including human resource planning, organizational structure design, determining individuals’ qualifications for specific tasks, and performance evaluation

Classification by Age

0 +


0 +

50 Year Up

0 +

45 - 50 Year

0 +

40 - 45 Year

0 +

35 - 40 Year

0 +

30 - 35 Year

0 +

20 - 30 Year